Wednesday, October 23, 2024

A Little Post About Gift Giving

Good Morning Friends!

I thought I should come on today and redeem this space from my sad birthday report a few days ago. The good news is that I'm feeling much better. The other news is that I still look like I have hives. But, I'm on the mend and that's what counts.

However, in other birthday news, I wanted to share some thoughts on gifts that I received and what a blessing they have been this week. 

I've learned, as I've gotten older, that when someone asks what I want for my birthday, I would rather tell them what I want, instead of having them waste their money on something random. This works out for everyone. I also prefer to ask my kids what they want, because then I know I am truly blessing them with something they might not buy for themselves. 

So this year, when my kids asked what I wanted for my birthday, I told them I really wanted a subscription to my favorite magazine...Daphne's Diary. 

Every so often I go to the book store and look for the latest issue, but you just never know if you will find it. Sometimes the store has plenty, and sometimes the store is late on getting the next issue on the shelf. 

The subscriptions are expensive, due to the content of this magazine, so I've never bothered buying a full year's worth. But if the kids wanted to go in halves on my gift, it would be the perfect gift and very affordable.

Last week, when we had family dinner, we celebrated and they gave me exactly what I wanted - money to pay for the subscription. What a great idea! 😉

The next day, I wasted no time before getting online and ordering the magazine. However, as I was looking around, I realized that the back issues were about half the price of the upcoming issues and that I could buy all the 2024 issues I had missed, for the same price as the next year's subscription and they would all come at the same time. Plus, I had enough money to include one of her fun activity books too. 

So that's what I did and was pleasantly surprised when they came in the mail this week!

Now I have a year's worth of magazines to read and work through (they are full of activities and crafts) and I don't have to go looking for them at the book store. 

This turned out to be one of the most fun gifts I've received!

Likewise, when my mom asked what I wanted, I told her about a puzzle I had saved on my Amazon Wish List and a few days later, it arrived in the mail. Thanks mom!

Find Puzzle HERE

I know some may think this kind of gift giving spoils the element of surprise, but I think it's a win-win for the gift giver and the recipient. 

Have you ever bought something for someone (after agonizing over the entire thought process) and watched as they tried to pretend they liked it? 😅 It's painful for everyone!

If someone is taking the time to ask for ideas, give them a few honest answers and let them choose. This makes gift giving fun, instead of a dreaded task of guessing. You're still surprised when you open your gift and see the thing you've been wanting. In fact, it's so much more fun to see something familiar, than something random. Or at least those are my thoughts.

How do you feel about asking people for ideas? Do you do this or would you rather just do your own thing and hope it turns out to be something they like? (I'm kind of scared to hear your answers 😅)

Well, that's all for today, friends. 

I hope you're having a blessed week, so far. Mine is getting better and better and for that, I am so thankful. 

Until Next Time...



  1. What a wonderful blog post! I like being asked what I want and I like to ask that of people I'm giving to. Plus I like practical gifts (in my book, things/items I use like postage stamps, pillowcases, towels, food items). I also like receiving gift cards. I am going to look up this magazine you mentioned and check it out. Happy Wednesday!

  2. My kids have done this for a few years now, and I keep lots on my Amazon Wish List so it's easy to choose something. So much easier for them and fun for me, too! Checking out Daphne's Diary - never heard of it before. Blessings . . .

  3. How fun. Never heard of that magazine before. Neat!!! I will check it out.

  4. I am glad you are feeling better. I have not ever heard of this magazine...I'll have to check it out. I'm with you on gifts. I would rather get or give something that is wanted and on my list or my kids list. Surprises are great, but getting something you really want is Awesome.

  5. When my children were in their teens, our family did Wish Lists for Christmas and birthdays, so I am in full support of what you've said here. And the gifts you got for this birthday look like a to of fun!!

  6. I've never heard of this magazine. Now I have to look it up.
    I'm totally with you in giving suggestions!


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