Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Wedding Memories for Our 35th Anniversary

Hello Friends! 

I hope your Monday was great. David and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary yesterday. 

Here we are at 23 and 25 years old with lots of white and lace 😅 We had the simplest wedding. Here are some of the highlights of my memories back then...

*It rained so hard that day and flooded the Main Street underpass, yet people still made it to the wedding. 

*The bridal dressing room was on the outside of the church, so I had to walk in the rain, down a long flooded sidewalk to get to the foyer of the church, where I would walk down the aisle. A nice man, named Mr. Wells had the biggest umbrella I've ever seen, and he walked me all the way to the doors of the church and made sure I didn't get rained on. I've never forgotten that. ☔

*My dad looked so handsome in his tuxedo and cowboy boots. He was so excited to walk me down the aisle and just as we were about to walk down, he calmed me down with his smile and said something like "Let's do this!" 😉

The ceremony was short and sweet and so was the reception, which was a simple one with cake and punch in the Fellowship Hall (remember those?).  David and I paid for our own wedding, which only cost about $1000.00 at the time. Of course our parents provided the rehearsal dinner and my dad bought my dress, which was about $350.00. All in all, maybe $2000.00 total was spent on our wedding. Imagine telling a bride these days, that she had a budget of $2000.00! 😅

For our honeymoon we traveled an hour up the road, to a lake cabin, where we took the boat out daily, hiked on some nearby trails and got so sunburned, it was ridiculous. 

A week later we came back to our rented house, which was David's grandparent's old farmhouse, where we paid $100.00 a month for rent. We would stay there for 4 more years until we had our first son and then move across town to our very first house, bought with our own money. 

Many years later we would go back to that old farmhouse, totally renovate it and live there with our two boys for 13 more years.

Since that day, in 1989, our family has grown to include 2 sons, 2 daughters-in-law, 5 grand babies and 2 more on the way. 

We still live a pretty simple life and I guess we like it that way. 

We have the Lord guiding our way, the kids and grandkids who bring us so much joy, enough money to live our lives and friends and family all around. 

And we have each other 💗

I'd say we're living a pretty good life. 

I hope you are too 😊

Until Next Time...




  1. Happy and Blessed Anniversary, my dear friend! What a beautiful photo of two young people ready to start their lives together. I enjoyed the memories you shared. And I love your dress. I think my headpiece was almost exactly the same!

  2. Happy Anniversary! I loved reading your wedding memories. Our 43rd anniversary is in August. and we also had a church wedding with the reception there in the church basement.
    The older I get, the more I appreciate the simple life.

  3. This is a great testimony of a wonderful family! God bless you!

  4. Such a pretty picture. Happy anniversary. Yes, it doesn't take a lot of money to have a beautiful wedding and a happy life. So many spend a fortune today, and the marriages last no time. What a waste. The simplicity is just lovely!!!!

  5. You are, indeed, living a very good life. I enjoyed your story and the wedding picture. Congratulations and may you be blessed with many more years together. You make a cute couple.

  6. Hello Dear Friend and Happy Anniversary! What a lovely post. Memory lane can be an absolute treasure sometimes, can't it? You are both adorable and I love learning more of your history. I'd say you're living a pretty darn perfect life in all the ways that matter most in this one - and in looking towards the next. :) Blessings always. xoxo


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