Monday, October 28, 2024

How Was Your Weekend? - Surrounded by Girls

Happy Monday, Friends!

How was your weekend? 

Saturday we celebrated with our kids, with a little baby "sprinkle." Just some close family and friends, blessing them with diapers and wipes, as they get ready for baby number FIVE! They are having their 4th girl (Calem is the only boy). As you can see, we have a good combination of brunette, strawberry blond and blondie, so I'm curious to meet the newest baby - Eden - and see who she looks like. All the girls look so different and yet, have the same smile 😀

Ella (7), Alex, Addie (5), Me, Emmy (9)
(Calem - not seen - (2)

Here's my other DIL - Morgan (Asa's mommy), Ella, Alex, Me, Emmy

Morgan is due just a month after Alex, so we will be welcoming two new babies very soon, just in the heart of the holidays!
I can't think of a more festive time 😀

This was the majority of our day on Saturday - setting up and cleaning up.
After that I came home and did a few loads of laundry and took it easy the rest of the afternoon. 

On Sunday, as much as we wanted to go to church,
David wasn't feeling 100%, so we watched it online instead.
I was ok with that too, because I think being sick all week had left 
me with not a lot of energy. I guess steroids and antibiotics will do that to you.

I did perk up as the day went on and was able to pack some of my MIL's things away.
Now that she is in a nursing home, she will be limited on what she can have in her room.
This means that it's finally time to clean and purge her things, which we've moved so many times over the years.

I am reserving some change of season clothes for her, but otherwise,
her clothing has to be donated. She was a collector of clothes and had every single drawer
full of clothing, not to mention, her closet was wall-to-wall clothes. 
She could probably have gone 6 months without ever wearing the same outfit!

This will take me the rest of the week and then we will make the donations and safely store her sentimental items in the garage. 

On to today...

Today I am having Asa over while his mommy goes to the dentist.
I'm sure my morning will be filled with Thomas the Tank Engine, goldfish, apples,
toys, and hopefully some snuggles in the big, cozy chair. 
Asa is a runner and an explorer. 
Everything is fascinating to him,
so this Millie will be busy trying to keep up.

We might take a walk outside to crunch on some leaves that have fallen.

The rest of this week I think I will try and hang some more pictures.
I love my house to be full and colorful, with so many fun things
to look at. Well, since we moved in, we haven't really had time to put things on the walls
and make the house feel as cozy as I like.
So hopefully that can happen over the next week
and this house will really start to feel like home. 

I will attempt to take more pictures this week and get back to 
sharing my home on the blog.
I miss it.

Here's wishing you all an amazing week!

May you feel God's presence and his peace upon you
each and every day. 
It's priceless.

Until Next Time...

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful pictures for a fun filled celebration. Sounds perfect.
    You have a busy week ahead - don't over do it!


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