Friday, May 17, 2024

A Treat for Millie Day and a Small Hurricane

Happy Friday everyone!

Last night we had a small hurricane blow through, knocking out the power
for a few hours.
That's the second storm this week!
We live about 15 minutes north of our kids,
so we were getting the wind, rain and lightening
before they were.
As soon as our lights came on,
theirs went off.
By about 9:30 or so,
everyone had their power back on,
just in time to go to bed.

I did manage to do some reading by candlelight, which was nice. for the daytime portion of this crazy day...

I took the girls to see PawPaw at work.

Here they are, looking down at the parking lot below

from the 3rd floor.

The office building is very nice and has several cafes inside,

so of course, they got a treat. 

 The wind was really blowing that morning
(a sign of what was coming later on),
and they wanted to play outside,
but it was time to take a tour of PawPaw's office.

The office manager offered them some snacks,
which they politely declined,
since they had just had their coffee treat.
I was so proud of them for saying
no to more treats.

They were able to see where PawPaw goes to work
every day and Addie saw that he had a piece
of her recent artwork on the wall,
which she was so happy about.

The rest of our day was spent
doing crafts, playdoh,
attempting a puzzle,
and watching an animated show
about Helen Keller.

In the afternoon I had to get them home
and get back to my house before the storm
came in.
I made it in plenty of time, thankfully.

That's the second storm we've had this week.
I hope that isn't an indicator of what hurricane season
is looking like this summer. 

I hope your week has been drier than mine 😀

Have a wonderful weekend!

Until Next Time...


  1. So glad to hear everyone is safe. We had to big rainstorms this week. Tis the season.
    Oh what a fun day for the girls. They are precious. I bet they enjoyed that and how fun seeing their artwork in PawPaw's office!
    Precious memories.

  2. What a fun day. I know the girls loved seeing where PawPaw works....and a nice coffee treat as well! Glad your hurricane was not too damaging for you. Goodness but you guys have had some weather lately. Praying it clears soon. Your girles look so grown-up:)

  3. Is it normal for you to have small hurricanes like that? One more than one in a week? I'm honestly curious! I love that you took them to see where their granddad works. My boys loved doing that kind of thing when they were young, and loved seeing the offices of the dads in our life. I am sure you loved doing this with them! I'm so behind in blog reading, so I'm playing catch up on this rainy and dreary Saturday morning. I've missed you!

  4. We have had some wild afternoon thunderboomers here in's already so hot and humid. What a nice time you had with the granddaughters, smiles. Have a beautiful weekend.

  5. Glad everyone is ok! Our weather has been nuts, as well! Nothing like a PawPaw visit at work! If they are like my Granddaughter, nobody else really matters...only PawPaw! LoL She's 14 and will tell you that her bestie is her PawPaw...same for him!

    Grace & Peace,


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